
“Dear Princess Borghese,

It is so very kind of you to give me the beautiful Parkinsonia aculeata and I am thrilled to have this glorious tree. It is now under glass, and I am just hoping that it will be happy in the garden, when Summer comes. I remember with such pleasure my visit to your lovely and interesting garden. With renewed thanks to you both, I am ever yours sincerely.”

Elisabeth R., January 1992


Among others, visitors to our Garden have included:

° The Queen Mother of England – 1988; Charles, Prince of Wales of England – 1990; The King and Queen of Belgium; The Princes of Luxembourg, A.R. Claudia Savoia Aosta.

° Cesare Brandi; Vittorio Sgarbi; Ralegh Treveilland; Dante Isella; Turi Vasile; Corrado Stajano; Giulia Borgese; Santi Correnti, Leonardo Sciascia, Robin Lane Fox. Other visitors have included Museum Directors, Superintendents of the Fine Arts, Curators of Botanical Gardens, and University Professors.

° Michelangelo Antonioni; Giorgio Albertazzi; Romolo Valli; Gabriele Lavia; Mario Scaccia; Paolo Ferrari; Tino Bianchi; Bette Davis; Clodette Colbert; Ilaria Occhini; Gisella Sofio; Anna Maria Bottini.

° Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Senators, Deputies, Presidents of the Sicilian Region, Councillors, High Magistrates, Members of the Supreme Judicial Council, Prefects, CC General Staff, Police Commissioners, Presidents of Credit Institutions, President of the ACI, President of the TCI. Umberto Veronesi, illustrious physicians, engineers, architects and lawyers.

° Many “Garden Clubs” from various Italian regions, the Orticola di Milano, the Accademia Piemontese del Giardino, the FAI, Le Dimore Storiche, and French, English and American Cultural Associations.

° Groups arriving from many parts of the world, such as Europe, the United States, China, Japan, Africa and Australia.


…and many more.